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8.0 Credits

> Real Estate Data in the Age of AI
> Economic Update: Navigating Market Trends and Impacts on Real Estate
> Real Estate Transactions: Navigating Tax-Efficient Strategies
> Maximizing Transferable Credits: Exploring 1031 Exchanges and ESG Investments for Real Estate Investors
> Staying Ahead in Real Estate Accounting: Essential A&A Updates for CPAs
> Payroll Tax Evasion and Misclassified Workers
> Residential Loans and Market Update: Navigating Trends and Financing Strategies in the Real Estate Sector
> Commercial Real Estate Update

This conference is a paperless conference and all materials will be available electronically as PDFs. Materials will be available for download in advance and participants will receive an email when they are available. For more information about eMaterials, visit

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Local and global economic changes continue to shape the real estate industry. Learn what affects this business sector and explore the financial, tax and legal developments impacting property owners. Discover new strategies and techniques to assist you in working with clients and accounting principles concerning real estate development, operations and sales reporting.

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