Thursday, December 12, 2024
8:00 am-9:15 am
A - GASB Update
Credits: 1.5 AT
Samuel G. Latimer, CPA, CFE
Rushton LLC
Gainesville, GA
Cover a review of all current Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) standards that are coming up for implementation in the near future. Get prepared for the implementation of upcoming standards and discuss anticipated implementation issues and challenges, beginning with GASB Statement No. 100 and continuing through GASB Statement No. 104. You should be able to identify GASB standards with upcoming implementation dates, recognize and discuss potential issues and challenges in implementing upcoming GASB statements and recall major components of GASB statements No. 100-104.
9:25 am-10:15am
B - Unpacking House Bill 581: Comprehensive Property and Sales Tax Reform
Credits: 1.0 TT
Dante Handel
Atlanta, GA
House Bill 581 is a generational tax reform bill that combines elements of ad valorem tax with sales tax to relieve all taxpayers. Only a few local governments in Georgia have a floating homestead exemption, but all will have one on January 1 unless they opt out. This bill also streamlined the sales tax code and created a new sales tax type for local governments.
C - Changes to AICPA’s Quality Management Standards
Credits: 1.0 AO
Scott Owens
Georgia Department of Audits
Atlanta, GA
Review AICPA's revised Quality Management Standards and how these changes will impact audit management, including a discussion on SAS 146 - Quality Management for an Engagement Conducted in Accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards.
D – Creating a Cyber Awareness Culture
Credits: 1.0 IN
Justin Headley, CPA, CISSP, CISA, CR
Warren Averett, LLC
Birmingham, AL
Organizations continue to be plagued with cyber-attacks costing millions of dollars, and hackers always appear to be one step ahead of the protection in place. Discuss why we continue to see cyber issues, the latest attack methods and the importance of establishing a cyber awareness culture. Also, walk through some best practice IT controls to help prevent, detect and respond to cyber incidents.
1:00 pm-1:50 pm
E - OMB Updates to the Uniform Guidance
Credits: 1.0 AD
Mark Robins, Partner
Aprio LLP
Rockville, MD
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released revisions to the Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance in Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Cover the significant changes to 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance and when these changes are effective.
2:00 pm-2:50 pm
F – Changes to the Annual Financial Statements: An Overview of GASB 103
Credits: 1.0 AT
Dean M. Mead, Partner
Carr, Riggs & Ingram CPAs and Advisor
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
After working for over a decade, the GASB approved Statement No. 103, Financial Reporting Model Improvements, in April 2024. Statement 103 is as notable for what it doesn't change - modified accrual in the governmental funds - as for what it does change. Cover the amendments to Statement 34 that made the cut, including management's discussion and analysis, unusual or infrequent items, proprietary fund financial statements, operating and nonoperating revenues and expenses, budgetary comparisons and more.
3:00 pm-4:15 pm
G – The Dark Side of the Moon: Discovering The Unsettling Truth Behind Fraud
Credits: 1.5 AI
Charles B. Hall, CPA, CFE
McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks & Co.,
Macon, GA
Through case studies, explore how seemingly honest individuals commit theft, examine their methods and discuss robust strategies to prevent such deceit. Gain crucial insights into building more robust defenses against fraud and detecting theft. Take advantage of this eye-opening exploration of the dark side of trust.
Conference Materials