Morgan F. Williams, CPA, CGFM

Morgan Williams graduated from Wesleyan College and began work with the Georgia Department of Audits & Accounts in 2007. In 2011, Morgan earned her CGFM certificate and subsequently the CPA certificate in 2014. Morgan worked in the field as a financial auditor for eight years. She performed audits of Colleges and Universities and local Boards of Education. In 2015, Morgan became Audit Manager for the Leesburg Regional Office. She managed the overall audit process of the regional office including scheduling and reviewing all engagements. In 2017, Morgan became a Federal Programs Manager for the Financial Audits Division and focused on federal compliance related to School Districts and Technical Colleges, Colleges, and Universities. In 2021, she became the Deputy Director over Federal Compliance for the Financial Audits Division and began overseeing the Statewide Single Audit process and various federal compliance engagements performed at State Agencies, School Districts, Technical Colleges, Colleges, and Universities.