GSCPA Requests Support in Adding Accounting to STEM

The Georgia Society of CPAs has asked our Georgia Congressional delegation to support H.R.3541 and S.1705 and co-sponsor these bills in the House and Senate. These legislative measures are aimed at recognizing the accounting profession as a STEM career path. These bills are vital in pipeline issues and promoting diversity in the future accounting workforce. 

Bill Summary

H.R.3541 and S.1705, supported by The Georgia Society of CPAs, are legislative measures aimed at recognizing the accounting profession as a STEM career path.  This bipartisan bill, which has a bipartisan Senate companion (S. 1705), would allow the addition of accounting education to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) curricula for K-12 students. Early accounting education should help reinforce the interwoven relationship between accounting, math, and technology while exposing diverse students to potential careers in accounting.

Specifically, this legislation adds “activities to promote the development, implementation, and strengthening of programs to teach accounting” to the list of allowable uses of grant funding under the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant program (Title IV, part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act) with a focus on increasing access to high-quality accounting courses for students through grade 12.


The Georgia Society of CPAs as well as the accounting profession believes that having accounting recognized as a STEM field under Technology is an important step in the right direction. While the profession has always had a heavy emphasis on essential mathematical and statistical competencies, the CPAs and accountants in our state, and others that work in accounting throughout the business world, have had to acquire new technology skills to remain competitive, including the development of software, cloud computing, and other emerging technological and innovation skills. These skills are both integral to the audit function and other accounting services that CPAs provide to American businesses, including IT auditing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, data analytics, forensic and predictive accounting, and cybersecurity.

Because this bill recognizes accounting as a STEM field in K-12 education, it would help younger people considering future career paths understand that accounting, math, and technology are intricately linked – and that a profession that requires a mastery of advanced math and digital technologies will prepare a student to be successful in many different fields. Designating accounting as STEM at the K-12 level should increase diverse student engagement with the accounting profession, which is especially critical when there is a growing shortage of accountants and CPAs in the United States.

These bills are vital in pipeline issues and promoting diversity in the future accounting workforce. They were introduced in the spring and received support during GSCPA and AICPA’s joint Hill visits at AICPA’s Spring Council, resulting in multiple co-sponsors. GSCPA has asked the Georgia Congressional delegation to support and co-sponsor these bills in the House and Senate.

Stay Informed

GSCPA will continue to monitor these bills as well as future legislation and keep the momentum moving in the right direction. With potential changes and challenges ahead, GSCPA will continue to actively participate in the process. We’re working for you!

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