2022-2023 Educational Foundation Nominating Committee Report

The nominations for the Board of Directors are voted on at the Annual Meeting of Members.

Proposed Directors to Serve a Three-Year Term 2022-2025
Colin Blalock
Phillip Buelterman
Charlie Merritt
Susan Robinson
Geoff Smith
Dwight Sneathen
Darrell Thaw

Proposed Director to Fill Two Remaining Years of a Three-Year Term 2022-2024
Will Merritt

The proposed officers will be voted on by the Foundation Board of Directors after the Annual Meeting of Members.

Proposed Officers to Serve 2022-2023
President: Abriel Davis 
President-Elect: Maliece Whatley 
Treasurer: Will Lazenby 
Secretary: Tabitha Jones

Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly Cranford The Educational Foundation President 2021-2022
Chair of the Foundation Nominating Committee 2021-2022