18Sep24 (18sep24)

Volume 4, Number 18September 24, 2004www.gscpa.org
in this issue:

FASB Will Allow Companies to Decide How to Value Stock Options
Governor Sonny Perdue to speak at Distinguished Speakers Dinner
Tax Info: New E-Service Changes Transcript Delivery; IRS Extends Tip Compliance Agreement Program
Tax Speech and PowerPoint Presentation Available
Technology Update
Items to Note: Resources Available Through CCH

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editorial staff, please
email Betty Breen

The next issue of
E-Sources will be released to your
inbox on Friday,
October 8, 2004.

E-Sources, a resource for GSCPA members, provides timely information about issues affecting the accounting profession, educational opportunities, and special events. E-Sources is sent on the second and fourth Friday of each month.

To view the online version of this newsletter, please click here.

This issue of E-Sources is sponsored by:

Pritchard & Jerden is one of
Georgia's largest independent insurance
brokers. For more information on services,
please visit their web site.

FASB Will Allow Companies to Decide How to Value Stock Options:

FASB took a big step toward finalizing a rule on expensing stock options by agreeing to let companies choose their own method for calculating value. For details, click here.

  Governor Sonny Perdue to Speak at Distinguished Speakers Dinner
The GSCPA is honored to have Governor Sonny Perdue as its guest speaker at the Distinguished Speakers Dinner,Wednesday, November 10 at the Grand Hyatt in Buckhead. NOTE: This is a change from the originally publicized date of November 9. The cocktail reception begins at 5 p.m.; dinner is at 6 p.m. and the Governor will speak at 7 p.m. The cost is $45 per person; one hour CPE. Register early, as seating is limited. To register, visit the CPE catalog and enter course #11601.
Tax Info:

New E-service Revolutionizes Transcript Delivery
- Tax practitioners can now request transcripts of their client’s tax records and receive them within minutes using a new online tool delivered through the IRS Business Systems Modernization program. The Transcript Delivery System (TDS) is the latest in a series of e-services that are changing how tax practitioners work with the IRS on behalf of their clients.

IRS Extends Tip Compliance Agreement Program - The IRS announced it is indefinitely extending its Tip Rate Determination and Education Program, a voluntary compliance tool that has helped nearly double the reporting of tip income. The tip program, which was set to expire in 2005, will continue without a sunset date.

Keep current on tax issues. Join the GSCPA Taxation Section

Tax Speech and PowerPoint Presentation Available:

To market your tax expertise this fall, the AICPA has developed a tax speech and PowerPoint presentation, entitled Tax Training Tips for 2004. The materials include tax-planning considerations such as Health Savings Accounts; family, homeowner, and education related tax strategies; investment strategies; and tax breaks for small business owners. To obtain a free copy, contact Jamie Etzbach.

Golf Tournament Postponed:

The 2004 Golf Tournament, scheduled for October 18, is postponed until spring 2005.
Technology Update :

Never Buy Technology in a Crisis

Columbus Business First (09/13/04); Steve Weber - Small businesses tend to purchase technology piece-by-piece or only when things must be replaced, while their larger counterparts have extensive technology budgets that allow them to plan such purchases well in advance and make productivity their top priority. However, there are a number of things small businesses can do to make wise investments in technology. This update is sponsored by Information, Inc.

Keep current on IT issues and developments by joining the GSCPA Information Technology Section.
CPE News:

The Accounting Institute
(course no. 13035) – Your Roadmap for Providing Assurance Services. October 1; 8 hrs A&A; NEW LOCATION - The Classic Center is just a short distance from the former site (Georgia Center for Continuing Education). General sessions include Dennis Dycus, "Walkin’, Talkin’, Lookin’, and Listenin’, or Things That Most Auditors Don’t Do Well" and John McAllister's, "Principles-Based Accounting Standards and Other Developments."

2004 Fall Decision Makers Conference (course no. 13045) - You Hold the Key to Your Organization's Success. October 22; 8 hours CPE (incl. 5 hours A&A); Cobb Galleria Centre. Session topics include Think Like a Thief: Fraud Issues & Answers for CPAs; Wage and Hour Issues; Terrorism in Accounting; Ethics: Shifts in Behavior and Culture; and Levels of Financial Knowledge. Early registration discount ends October 1.

The GSCPA offers five easy ways to earn CPE credits. Customize your credit hours to fit your needs - click on the links below:
Upcoming GSCPA Courses
Upcoming GSCPA Conferences

Want to plan ahead?Click here for a quick view of courses offered over the next three weeks.

Credits is now available online. To view the most recent issue, please click here.


Back By Popular Demand - GSCPA 101 (course no. 10704); October 6; GSCPA Training Center; 3 hrs. CPE. Learn about the GSCPA and what it can do for you, including services, affinity programs, volunteer and leadership opportunities. The cost for the class is $15 and includes breakfast. If you have any questions, call Member Services at 800-330-8889 Opt. 4.

Resources Available Through CCH Tax Research Network - GSCPA section members have free access to several of CCH’s high quality online resources including certain areas of the Tax Research Network, the Accounting Research Manager’s Weekly Summaries, and Monthly Federal and State Tax Alerts. To receive access, join a section today! There is no fee for section membership. If you are already a member, login to your section’s web site. For more information, contact Don Cook, Sections Manager, 404-504-2935.

Georgia Society of CPAs, Atlanta Financial Center, North Tower, Suite 400, 3353 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326

